Sampling Policy


Sampling Policy

Our Sample Policy at Sipping Fine Wine is simple:  We accept samples of wine and any wine-related products.  We will disclose, in the applicable posting, that free samples were received.  Because this website is called Sipping Fine Wine we write about the “Fine Wines” we taste.  Our tasting panel will comment on the nose, taste, structure and make constructive remarks.

We are not employed in the wine industry, distribution or sales of wines or related products.  We consider ourselves “Reviewers of Wine” and not just looking for faults.  We recognize wine tastes and preferences are individual choices.  If we do not like a wine, it does not mean it’s bad, rather it could be something that our palate does not prefer.  For example, one of our reviewers does not have a palate for Rieslings, so when we taste Rieslings, she does not participate.  While we cannot guarantee that we will write about every sample received, we will make a timely effort to review each wine.  Of course, if we do taste wines that are spoiled, corked or otherwise flawed, we will not review the wine.  There are a number of reasons why wines may be flawed or faulty, which may not be a mistake by the winery or winemaker.  We are committed to make wine tasting enjoyable and provide consumers with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about wines they drink.

Please contact me if you would like to arrange delivery for a sample and I will provide a shipping address.  I can be reached at:

We are also available to attend tastings, events, wine tours and other wine venues.

© Copyright SippingFineWine 2023