• Exceptional White,  Hondarribi Zuri,  Spain

    Exceptional White

    Ulacia Getariako Txakolina Blanco 2014 Ulacia Getariako Txakolina Blanco is a wine from the Getaria in the Basque Country of northern Spain, just west of San Sebastian, where wine here has a history going back 1000 years. Getaria is a fishing village on the Bay of Biscay, with Getariako Txakolina being the DO for the vine growing area around it. The region as a whole is maritime with a considerable Atlantic influence, though the vines are planted in the hills surrounding it, often on the southeast facing, on steep, un-terraced slopes for maximum sunshine and protection from sea breezes. The soils are largely clay, covered with sand. Txakolina is a…