
Welcome to Sipping Fine Wine!  I began tasting wines in the early 80’s when I took my first wine tasting course.  Since then I have tasted thousands of wines, attended many courses and seminars and hosted numerous wine tasting events.  I have achieved levels of designations and received an Advanced Certificate (WSET3) from Wine & Spirit Education Trust and the designation of Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) from the Society of Wine Educators.  In addition I author a blog “Sipping Fine Wine,” post daily to Phone apps “Vivino” and “Delectable”, developing podcasts to discuss various wines and related topics and host wine tastings.  Regarding wine app “Vivino” I am a “Featured User” and usually ranked in the top 10 in the US.  You can say that wine is my passion.  I enjoy tasting the fruit of the vine and the craftsmanship employed to turn the grapes into Fine Wine.  Taking a grape and turning it into complex aromas and tastes is a work of art and not every winemaker can produce the same quality. That’s why I enjoy tasting wine and commenting on what I taste, and hopefully imparting some knowledge while you Sip some Fine Wine.

In addition to providing comments on what I taste, I may provide a little background on the wine, winery, winemakers, owners or any other interesting facts about the wine I am tasting.  I will comment and make constructive remarks, when necessary, but if a wine is flawed or faulty, I will not review the wine.  There are a number of reasons why wines may be flawed or faulty and perhaps I will provide more details in future podcasts on how to identify if a wine may be flawed or faulty.  Since this website is called Sipping Fine Wine we write about the “Fine Wines” we taste.  Fine Wines do not have to be costly, in fact wines at all price ranges can be satisfying and enjoyable.  We recognize everyone’s palate is different and we will try and help you identify what is pleasing to your palate….and understand why!

From time to time I may comment on related aspects of wine from opening Champagne to various storage and serving techniques.  I will also comment on wine related products, such as wine preserving and or glassware.  Occasionally I will pair foods with wine, and provide recipes!

I do have a small staff of individuals who share my passion for wine and we will, on many occasions, taste wine as a group and share our tasting thoughts.

We will occasionally visit vineyards, chateaus and wineries, and when we do, I will comment on various aspects of our visit from wine growing and vinification to barrel and bottle tasting.  During our visits you can follow along with daily postings.

You can also follow me on:



Twitter @SippingFineWine

Facebook (Coming Soon!)

For more information, you can contact me at:  Bill@SippingFineWine.com

© Copyright SippingFineWine 2023

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